Offshore Portfolio

Balancing the Scale

Balancing the Scale

When companies grow to become large/mega cap businesses, they face both challenges and opportunities when they try to grow further. The specific circumstances for each company’s position significantly influences the potential or the impediments for continued expansion. Below are a few examples of some of the challenges and opportunities these companies may face.

The Challenges

In acquisitions, large companies face a limited pool of targets due to fewer medium and large-sized companies compared to the number of small companies. Factors like compatibility and pricing reduce this pool further. With greater financial resources, acquiring companies often pay a premium for these companies to entice them to join. This trend is evident across numerous instances. For instance, in 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion. A decade later, WhatsApp boasts over 2 billion users but generates minimal revenue, estimated at around $1.2 billion for the previous year. Warren Buffett also regularly advises the lack of potential acquisition targets that Berkshire Hathaway can make to make a meaningful difference in their portfolio.

Product line and different markets
As companies achieve significant market share in different markets, introducing new products or expanding into new markets may not provide the same revenue and profit increases they previously enjoyed. Nike is currently experiencing this. Despite Nike rolling out numerous new products Nike’s revenue has had a compound annual growth rate of 7.2% for the last 2 fiscal years.

Corporate Constraints
As companies grow, their delivery platforms and teams need to be expanded to support their enlarged customer base and higher volumes. This may have been achieved with previous generation technologies and smaller more agile and flexible teams. With a larger client base and higher volumes and a complex platform, they may not be as agile as they previously were, increasing the time and costs of rolling out new products, services, and features; and allowing smaller, more nimble competitors to steal a march on them. Google is experiencing this with the roll-out of their AI tools, for example.

The Opportunities

Businesses built as platforms, i.e. where multiple services are provided to clients, and new products or services can be added very quickly, however have an advantage despite their large/mega size. As platform businesses Microsoft, for example can expand by adding new features and services to their platform and further entrench existing and new customers into their ecosystem. Microsoft’s 365 product suite facilitates bundling various products, making it challenging for customers to switch once integrated. Moreover, they swiftly deploy new products to a vast customer base. For instance, between 2017 and 2023, the number of Microsoft Teams users surged from 2 million to 320 million, solidifying its leadership in virtual meetings arena.

There are many opportunities for companies to grow, but as they keep on growing there are certain challenges that they face. Some companies have a better ability to deal with these challenges than others.

Berkshire Hathaway and Microsoft are held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund. They are also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
6.59% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
76 893
Last Week
74 536
This Week
74 775 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
-2.75% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
15 011
Last Week
16 379
This Week
16 250 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
8.25% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
4 770
Last Week
5 254
This Week
5 204 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
9.11% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
18.70 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
2.19% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.27 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
0.50% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
90.87 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
18.06% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Source: Iress

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Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
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The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Balancing the Scale Read More »

Making Lululemon-ade

Making Lululemon-ade

Last week, Lululemon, the Vancouver based athleisure company, released their Q4 2023 results. The yearly revenue increased by 18.5% to $9.6 billion, accompanied by an 81% increase in Lululemon’s net income to $1.5 billion. This surge in net income can be attributed mainly to a notable decrease in the 2023 impairment charge. In the preceding year, Lululemon faced an impairment charge of $407 million, whereas this year’s charge stands at $74 million. 2022’s impairment charge primarily comprises of the impairment of its investment in the home-workout product-range: “Mirror.”

The Americas segment, making up 79% of total sales, experienced a modest revenue increase of nearly 12%. In contrast, the international segment, representing the remaining 21% of sales, witnessed a robust 54% revenue surge. During the earnings call, management articulated their aspiration for the international segment to contribute 50% of sales in the future. They acknowledged a deceleration in the demand growth rate for their products in the Americas’ market. Consequently, they adjusted their annual sales growth projection to around the mid-teens. This adjustment led to a 15% decline in Lululemon’s share price on the day.

Lululemon is investing for growth, primarily targeting the expansion of its brand visibility and bolstering its presence in international markets, particularly in China, where demand for its products has been substantial. To enhance brand recognition, the company is focusing on sponsoring athletes and teams. Notably, they are backing the Canadian national team for the 2024 Summer Olympics. Lululemon intends to address underrepresented markets by opening around 10 stores in the US and 30 stores in other parts of the world.

Lululemon contends with lots of competition in the athleisure sector, including major players like Nike, as well as various niche athleisure brands. Lululemon is a luxury brand within this competitive landscape. Amidst heightened global economic uncertainty, consumers tend to slow down their spending on luxury goods.

Lululemon is held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund. It is also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
10.08% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
76 893
Last Week
72 991
This Week
73 254 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
-4.73% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
15 011
Last Week
15 973
This Week
16 429 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
9.44% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
4 770
Last Week
5 117
This Week
5 234 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
9.74% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
19.00 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
3.83% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.62 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
2.23% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
85.58 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
11.19% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Source: Iress

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Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
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The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Making Lululemon-ade Read More »

Snowflake – A Benefactor of Artificial Intelligence

Snowflake – A Benefactor of Artificial Intelligence

Snowflake, owned by Lunar Capital’s clients, assists businesses in organizing and structuring their data, and providing insights on their business. Data is crucial for gaining a clear insight into a company’s value, it’s performance and the factors driving the business. Snowflake efficiently organizes and stores data, enabling companies to easily use and share their information with others; while also providing the management with insights into their business.

Numerous questions have been asked regarding practical applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in business and how companies can effectively integrate them. Snowflake is deploying LLMs on the structured data that is stored in their cloud infrastructure. The goal is to empower companies using their service to directly query their data without requiring the expertise of data scientists. The key lies in formulating precise questions, making the technology accessible to businesses as long as they have the necessary financial resources to use Snowflake’s services.

Snowflake released their Q3 2024 results last week. Revenue for the quarter increased by 32% year on year to reach $734 million. The gross margin increased from 74.6% in Q3 2023 to 78.3% in Q3 2024. Despite having strong revenue growth, Snowflake’s sales and marketing expense as a percentage of revenue was 48%. Snowflake also recorded an operating loss of $260 million.

Snowflake is classified as a high-growth company. A common characteristic among high-growth companies is that they operate at a loss in early stages to focus on acquiring new clients and enhancing their service offering. Once they reach critical mass, they then have sufficient revenues to be profitable, rewarding shareholders through dividends and share price growth. However, this strategy comes with inherent risks. Potential challenges include the failure to achieve anticipated revenue growth due to factors like lower-than-expected demand for their product. External factors, such as shifts in the macroeconomic environment, can also necessitate cost-cutting measures from their client base, which can impact Snowflake’s revenue growth.

If revenue doesn’t increase as anticipated, the company may be compelled to secure additional funding through debt or equity. This could result in incurring additional interest expenses or diluting existing shareholders through the issue of new shares.

Snowflake is held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible fund. It is also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
29.60% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
73 049
Last Week
75 712
This Week
75 534 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
3.40% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
Last Week
14 251
This Week
14 305 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
36.67% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 559
This Week
4 595 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
19.65% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
18.63 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
9.72% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.29 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
10.03% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
79.26 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-7.78% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Source: Iress

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Our email address is: [email protected]

Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
Read our full Disclosure statement:
Our Privacy Notice:
The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Snowflake – A Benefactor of Artificial Intelligence Read More »

Nvidia – Bringing on the Competition

Nvidia – Bringing on the Competition

Nvidia, the AI chip designer, has had a surge in its share price since the beginning of the year. The company’s share price has increased just over 230% since the beginning of the year. It has been the poster company for investors trying to jump in on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) wave, that has dominated news cycles and conversations over the past year.

Nvidia is renowned for developing the first commercially accessible graphics processing unit (GPU) in 1999. The GPU distinguishes itself from the central processing unit (CPU) by completing less intricate tasks but can do these tasks concurrently. The CPU, on the other hand, can handle more complex tasks but does them sequentially. GPUs have a wide variety of uses such as:

  • Creating visuals for displays on computers
  • Facilitating the computations essential for cryptocurrency mining
  • Contributing to the training of large language models in data centres

Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet, owners of the world’s three largest cloud services providers, have been acquiring Nvidia’s premium GPUs for advancing the next phases of AI application development. These high-end chips come at a substantial cost, with Nvidia’s flagship H100 chip priced at approximately $30,000 each. In Q3 2024, Nvidia gross margin reached 74%: a significant increase from the 56% recorded during Q3 2023. The quarter’s revenues soared to $18 billion, marking a remarkable growth of over 200% compared to the same period last year. Furthermore, Nvidia’s net income reached $9 billion for the quarter, indicating a 1200% increase compared to the same quarter last year.

The substantial costs associated with Nvidia’s high-end GPUs have prompted Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet to seek alternatives. Consequently, these tech giants have either already crafted their own chips or are in the process of developing such solutions for use in their data centres. Backed by substantial capital reserves, these companies are investing in chip development endeavours aimed at narrowing the performance gap with Nvidia’s offerings. Nvidia is not stepping back though. The company claims that its upcoming flagship H200, slated for release next year, boasts nearly double the capacity of its predecessor, the H100 GPU.

The competition is further intensifying as traditional semiconductor companies globally vie to capitalize on the AI trend. The race is notably heightened by the US ban on exporting high-performing chips to China, serving as a catalyst for Chinese companies to bolster their presence in the AI chip market. The race is on. As it stands, Nvidia is in the lead but there are many other factors that could favour other winners.

Nvidia, Microsoft, and Amazon are held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible fund. They are also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
29.39% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
73 049
Last Week
73 921
This Week
75 712 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
3.65% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
Last Week
14 125
This Week
14 251 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
36.15% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 514
This Week
4 559 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
18.73% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
18.77 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
10.54% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.53 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
11.33% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
80.26 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-6.62% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Source: Iress

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Our email address is: [email protected]

Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
Read our full Disclosure statement:
Our Privacy Notice:
The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Nvidia – Bringing on the Competition Read More »

Walmart – History of Opportunity

Walmart – History of Opportunity

The first Walmart store opened its doors in 1962 in Arkansas, USA. Sam Walton, the founder, perceived a potential niche for discount retail stores catering to customers in rural areas in the US. Traditionally, these customers had been neglected by conventional department stores concentrating their efforts in larger cities. Today, Walmart strives to cater to customers across both rural and urban landscapes. In the United States, 90% of the population lives within a 16 km radius of a Walmart store.

Walmart’s business model revolves around the fundamental principle of delivering products and services to customers at the most competitive prices. To achieve the goal of offering the “Lowest price possible,” Walmart employs various strategic tactics, including:

  • Economies of scale: Walmart acquires products in substantial quantities, securing a lower per-unit cost from suppliers.
  • Everyday low prices: Rather than relying on periodic promotions, Walmart is committed to maintaining consistently low prices across a diverse range of products.
  • Centralized distribution centres: Each distribution centre supports 90 to 100 stores within a 240 km radius.

These initiatives have propelled Walmart to emerge as one of the primary price leaders in the retail sector. Walmart establishes the pricing standards that competitors are forced to match.

Last week, Walmart released their Q3 2023 results. Revenue increased by 5.2% compared to the same quarter last year, reaching $160.8 billion. Meanwhile, the “cost of sales” experienced a more modest increase of 4.8%, resulting in a gross margin of 24.6%. The “Operating, selling, general, and administrative” expenses decreased by 3.1%, settling at $33.4 billion. This reduction led to a 130% increase in operating income, soaring to $6.2 billion for the quarter.

In low margin businesses, the operational leverage becomes evident through variances between the change in revenue and the change in costs. When companies enact cost-cutting measures or experience revenue growth outpacing cost growth, operating income grows at a higher rate than revenue. Conversely, if costs were to outpace revenue growth, the operating income of the company would be leveraged in the opposite direction.

Walmart executives indicated that the US consumer was starting to show some levels of stress due to high interest rates. This, despite their very good results impacted the share price, which dropped by about 8% since the announcement of their results.

Walmart is held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible fund. It is also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
24.56% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
73 049
Last Week
71 39
This Week
73 921 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
1.19% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
Last Week
13 798
This Week
14 125 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
34.95% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 415
This Week
4 514 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
17.55 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
18.34 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
8.01% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.00 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
8.46% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
80.50 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-6.34% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Source: Iress

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Our email address is: [email protected]

Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
Read our full Disclosure statement:
Our Privacy Notice:
The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Walmart – History of Opportunity Read More »

Adyen – All in One

Following the release of the 2nd quarter 2023 results, Adyen, the financial technology company, witnessed a more than 50% decline in its share price, plummeting to a low of €633 in October. This downturn was attributed to a deceleration in their revenue growth and increased personnel hiring spree. However, in their 3rd quarter results presentation, unveiled last week, Adyen’s share price surged by 36% , reaching €936. Adyen’s shares have exhibited considerable volatility, reflective of the challenges the company faces in navigating its expansion into new markets; coupled with the overall market sentiment.

Adyen provides businesses with a comprehensive platform for end-to-end management of payments, data, and financial transactions. Their platform enables businesses to seamlessly process both online and in-store payments within a unified system. This integrated approach offers businesses a holistic perspective on their operations. Adyen also holds a banking license, which allows them to hold their client’s funds and issue cards to those clients. This feature facilitates the smooth transfer of funds between different aspects of a business, enhancing overall operational efficiency. The data collected from the business’ users; and the business’ cash flow are all managed on a singular platform.

For Q3, Adyen reported processed transaction volume of €243 billion and a net revenue of €413 million, marking respective year-over-year increases of 21% and 22%. Throughout the year, Adyen has been actively expanding its sales team, employing the “land and expand” sales strategy. This approach involves encouraging potential clients to adopt one of their products initially and subsequently demonstrating the advantages of using additional offerings over time. Adyen, also held an investor day last week, where they provided clarity on their business strategy, which included moderating the pace of personnel hiring in 2024, clarifying how their investments will increase revenues and improve margins, their direct focus on large institutional clients and supporting smaller clients through integrating with fintech platforms. This contributed to Adyen’s 36% share price jump.

The payments space is highly competitive, but it appears that Adyen has a strategy to be competitive by their value-added offering.

Adyen is held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
24.56% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
73 049
Last Week
72 856
This Week
71 393 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-2.27% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
Last Week
13 478
This Week
13 798 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
31.82% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 358
This Week
4 415 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
14.98% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
18.74 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
10.37%Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.02 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
8.57% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
81.62 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-5.04% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Source: Iress

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Our email address is: [email protected]

Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
Read our full Disclosure statement:
Our Privacy Notice:
The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

Adyen – All in One Read More »

Ozempic: Unintended Consequences

Ozempic: Unintended Consequences

As new technologies and innovations are developed and widely implemented, a range of unintended consequences inevitably ensue. Last week, Walmart revealed that individuals purchasing weight loss medications containing semaglutide, such as Wegovy and Ozempic, at Walmart’s pharmacies have been purchasing slightly fewer groceries at its outlets. This development caused about a 2% drop in Walmart’s stock price. Other grocery retailers, fast-food chains, and sugary beverage manufacturers like McDonald’s and Coca-Cola also experienced declines in their respective share prices due to the announcement.

New innovations bring about new innovations. Ozempic, developed by Novo Nordisk, received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017 for the treatment of type-2 diabetes. Subsequently, it was observed that the drug was effective in treating individuals grappling with obesity. In 2021, Wegovy gained FDA approval specifically for obesity treatment. Wegovy and Ozempic operate as glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GPL-1) receptor agonist, essentially emulating the naturally occurring hormone GLP-1, which aids in appetite regulation and decelerates food digestion. This year, Novo Nordisk made the noteworthy discovery that their Wegovy treatment also reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular events in patients. The innovation of one drug has been able to treat people with different conditions.

As evidenced by Walmart’s recent announcement, new innovations exert influence on consumers across various dimensions. In the case of Ozempic, it was approved for treating diabetes; and subsequently observed to also treat obesity. Now, it is observed that the treatment for obesity results in a lower demand for food and beverage products.

These phenomena are highly interesting for investors:

  • ·Businesses who innovate in one product or service; but this leads to other innovations. Examples includes: Google starting as a search engines, now one of the largest advertising and content platforms in the world; Amazon starting as an on-line book stores; now one of the largest retailers in the world and a leading cloud services. Businesses that are in tune to consumers changing demands will be able to benefit from the changing landscape.

  • A positive impact on one business may negatively impact others. Retailers who have lost market share to Amazon and other online retailers; less food consumed by patients being treated for obesity.

Investors need to consistently be on the look out for these positive and negatives trends.

Novo Nordisk, Walmart, and Amazon are held in the Lunar BCI World Wide Flexible fund. They are also held by Lunar Capital’s Offshore Portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
Index / Fund / Rate
Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
24.66% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
73 049
Last Week
73 399
This Week
71 657 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-1.91% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Index / Fund / Rate
NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
Last Week
13 212
This Week
13 431 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
28.32% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 321
This Week
4 309 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
12.20% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
19.34 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
13.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
20.49 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
11.12% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
Last Week
This Week
84.56 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
-1.62% Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
Source: Iress

Click here to access your account to view statements, obtain tax certificates, add or make changes to your investments.

Our email address is: [email protected]

Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
Read our full Disclosure statement:
Our Privacy Notice:
The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

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The Hard Truth about Pivoting (Part 2): Electric Vehicles

Much like Disney in the media industry, traditional motor vehicle companies are also encountering comparable challenges to pivot their businesses from ICE (internal combustion engine) to EVs (electric vehicles). As technologies advance, they open doors for the creation of new products through more cost-effective methods. Established businesses must adapt their strategies or risk losing market share or even facing extinction.

Toyota, VW, and Mercedes have traditionally focused on producing ICE vehicles. However, they now find themselves at a juncture where EVs are gaining traction. This shift is driven by improvements in battery range, reduced charge times, and more affordable production costs. Nevertheless, EVs are still in the early stages of capturing market share. In 2021, only 8.6% of new cars sold worldwide were EVs. The transition from ICE to EVs in the new car sales market is on an upward trajectory. These established car manufacturers must continue to service and innovate in the ICE segment while also striving to carve out a share in the growing EV market. Striking this balance can be a challenging task, especially when resources and attention are stretched in both directions.

American Tesla and Chinese BYD are exclusively dedicated to the Electric Vehicle (EV) market. Their primary goal is to secure the largest possible share of the EV market and enhance its appeal to consumers. They achieve this by refining their expertise in producing more affordable vehicles and establishing charging station infrastructure in pivotal markets to make the charging process more convenient for their customers.

The impact of emerging technologies extends beyond the realm of Electric Vehicle (EV) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) companies. It ripples through various industries that depend on the demand for these vehicles. EVs presently demand less maintenance, and when needed, it’s typically handled by electricians rather than traditional mechanics. They also rely more heavily on semiconductors due to their electric components, lithium for their batteries, and software for safety and autonomous driving. The shift from ICE to EV will create opportunities for businesses to thrive and capitalize on this trend.

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73 399
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10 467
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13 212
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13 219 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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26.29% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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3 840
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4 321
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4 288 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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Last Week
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% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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18.92 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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11.43% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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8.46% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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Brent Crude ($'barrel)
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92.26 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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7.34% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Source: Iress

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The Hard Truth about Pivoting

As new technologies emerge, they provide opportunities for new ways of working, new products and services, or even cheaper ways to produce and deliver goods and services. This poses a challenge for incumbent businesses that need to pivot their businesses or face losing market share or even extinction.

These incumbent businesses must strike a delicate balance between tending to their current client base, as these clients typically contribute the most to the company’s cash flow. Simultaneously, they must innovate and leverage evolving technologies and consumer demands to safeguard against potential disruption from new market entrants. Despite their relative youth and small or no market share, new entrants hold an advantage over established companies; they can focus their resources and attention on the new product or service or a cheaper way to produce and deliver goods and services.

Disney has witnessed a decline in the value of their traditional linear TV assets recently due to the rise of streaming. Despite this, these assets continue to generate profits for Disney. Consumers now prefer on-demand content with flexible cancellation terms. In late 2019, Disney launched its streaming service to compete with streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Initially relying on their extensive catalog, Disney soon realized that creating fresh content was essential to attract more subscribers and turn their streaming service profitable. Consequently, Disney has invested heavily in producing new content. However, some of their shows, like Marvel’s Secret Invasion, haven’t performed as well as anticipated, despite a substantial budget of around $200 million. This could be attributed to various factors, including consumers feeling the pinch of rising inflation or potentially experiencing fatigue from the constant influx of superhero movies and shows. Disney’s share price ended Friday at $81.25, roughly the same as what it was at the beginning of 2014.

The streaming revolution, pioneered by Netflix, has revolutionized numerous facets of the film and television industry. This encompasses changes in viewer habits, metrics for gauging show success, remuneration structures for industry professionals, and the financing models for shows.

Previously, a film’s triumph was gauged by its box office revenue, but now, success hinges on the inflow of new subscribers to a streaming platform. This can prove challenging to quantify, as subscribers may join for several different shows. Additionally, production expenses for films and TV shows have skyrocketed. The heightened demand for content from production companies has led to escalating costs. This has elevated the risk of platforms struggling to gain sufficient subscribers to offset these substantial expenses.

The streaming battle is fierce, and it’s far from over. Platforms are actively exploring strategies to carve out their unique niches and establish sustainable cash flows. Companies are not only vying against each other but also contending for consumers’ screen time, facing competition from giants like YouTube (owned by Alphabet) and gaming companies like Sony. Fortunes can shift swiftly if companies fail to produce content that resonates with viewers, as demonstrated by Disney’s recent experience.

Amazon is held in the Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund. It is also held by Lunar Capital’s offshore portfolio clients.

Key Indicators
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Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
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22.94% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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73 049
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74 590
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73 399 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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0.48% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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NASDAQ Composite
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10 467
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13 708
This Week
13 212 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
26.22% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
Last Week
4 450
This Week
4 321 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
12.52% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
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% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
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18.75 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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10.42% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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20.01 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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8.51% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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Brent Crude ($'barrel)
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93.60 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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8.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Source: Iress

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Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd is a registered Financial Services Provider. FSP (46567)
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The Lunar BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund Fact Sheet  can be read here.
This stocktake is prepared for the clients of Lunar Capital (Pty) Ltd. This stocktake does not constitute financial advice and is generated for information purposes only.

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Inditex: Changing Zara’s Fashion

Inditex, the parent company of the fashion brand Zara, is known for its innovative approach and willingness to challenge prevailing norms. They are recognized for employing a vertical integration business model, enabling them to conceptualise, design, manufacture, and stock clothing and homeware for sale in a matter of a few weeks. The company is dedicated to finding ways to actively engage with consumers who are looking for a seamless, on-demand experience.

Inditex is set to unveil their largest Zara outlet globally in Rotterdam. They’re also in the process of expanding the capacities of their other sizable stores, while phasing out a number of their underperforming smaller ones. This strategy stands in contrast to the trend seen among other fashion retailers, who are inclined towards smaller outlets to cut down on expenses. Zara’s objective is to accommodate their growing product range, such as homeware and sportswear; while also integrating these physical stores into Zara’s e-commerce operations. These outlets will also serve as compact warehouses and they will allow customers to collect or return online purchases at these locations.

Zara, like several other fashion brands, leverages their stores as a means to immerse consumers in their unique vision. However, this approach carries a potential risk. Bigger stores in expensive retail locations to be used for warehousing, could result in Zara paying more per square metre in storage costs compared to other businesses that use out-of-town warehouses.. This decision may not necessarily translate into increased customer foot traffic and usage of the stores beyond their initial intent.

Last week, Inditex released their half year results for 2023. Net sales increased by 16.6% to €16.8 billion. However, net income increased by 39%. This was primarily as a result of Inditex’s operating expenses, along with the depreciation and amortisation expenses, increasing at a lower rate compared to their sales growth. The net income margin for Inditex was 14.9% this half, compared to 12.1% a year ago.

Inditex is held by Lunar Capital’s offshore Portfolio Clients.

Key Indicators
Index / Fund / Rate
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Lunar BCI WW Flexible Fund
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28.50% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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73 049
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73 653
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74 590 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
2.11% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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NASDAQ Composite
Start of Year
10 467
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13 591
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14 031 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
30.97% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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S&P 500
Start of Year
3 840
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4 457
This Week
4 450 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
15.89% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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Prime Lending Rate
Start of Year
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% Change YTD
11.90% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
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19.01 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
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11.96% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Index / Fund / Rate
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20.21 Lunar Capital stocktake arrow down
% Change YTD
9.60% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
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Brent Crude ($'barrel)
Start of Year
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94.06 Lunar Capital increasesymbol
% Change YTD
9.44% Lunar Capital increasesymbol
Source: Iress

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